30 cells in South Carolina were selected for mobile acoustic surveys. Some could not have suitable routes
developed, so additional cells were added. Stationary sampling will be performed in cells with and without
mobile routes, for a total of 38 cells. Each cell must have 2-4 stationary detectors deployed for
four nights, in the same week each year. To account for climatic differences across the state, surveys begin
in the southeastern-most cells, continuing north and west through the state. Stationary survey site
selection has been performed within each cell and the same locations should be revisited in following years.
See below for criteria used in site selection.
Survey Site Selection
- Maximize the number and quality of recordings
- Maximize the diversity of species likely to be detected
- Low clutter (tree branches, leaves, water surface, etc.)
- 3-5 m away from clutter
- Near ponds or wetlands, but at a distance to reduce amount of feeding buzzes recorded
- Edge habitats (trails, forest roads, openings, cliffs)
- Bats are less often found in the middle of wide open spaces or near fast flowing streams
- In heterogeneous landscapes, try to sample a variety of habitats
- If possible, one detector per 5 km x 5 km quadrant of the cell
- Must be accessible in following years for continued surveying
Primary Investigator Protocol
- Review the landcover and potential bat habitat of the cell
- Determine the best locations for detectors based on the site selection guidelines
- If habitat within cell is heterogeneous, try to find 3-4 locations
- If habitat is more homogeneous, 2 locations may be fine, or up to 4 if unsure
- Consult a biologist familiar with bats if assistance is needed in site selection
- View the map on this site to determine the week the cell will be sampled
Sampling Protocol
- Determine sunset and sunrise times for the cell at the time of sampling
- Set the detector to begin recording 15 minutes before sunset until 15 minutes after sunrise
- Print a Stationary Survey Datasheet (xps) and add microphone orientation to each column
- Travel to each location and setup equipment based on the guidelines (pdf)
- If near clutter, orient the microphone away from it
- Be sure all measurements are taken during deployment and arm the detector
- Allow the survey to run for four nights and peform the associated mobile survey during this period
- Retrieve the equipment and note any issues (microphone orientation changed, tripod knocked over, etc.)
Stationary Survey Equipment Setup (pdf)
Stationary Survey Datasheet (xps)